•  Google Maps:
    41.146460, -3.677211

Tipo de sitio:

Lugar de localización: Cueva de los Enebralejos
Localidad: Prádena de la Sierra
Municipio: Prádena (Segovia)
Región: Castilla y León
País: España
Página Web: https://www.cuevadelosenebralejos.es/es/

Entorno Natural:

The cave is located at the foot of Somosierra, in the small town of Prádena (province of Segovia). In its surroundings there is a profuse vegetation of holly, oak, juniper and broom, as well as one of the most important holly trees in Spain. The cave is in Upper Cretaceous limestone, at the base of the gneiss massif of the Central System of mountains. A karst landscape has developed in this limestone, with the formation of abundant caves.

Evidencias arqueológicas del sitio:

The cave was used for burials in the Chalcolithic, between 2000 and 1800 BC. Archaeological studies have determined that a large early Bronze Age settlement existed in the area. Numerous remains of artefacts and pottery have been found, as well as engravings and paintings in the burial places.

Horarios de apertura:

All visits to the cave are guided and last approximately 45 minutes. The passes are formed according to strict order of arrival in groups of maximum 12 people, except for tickets purchased online. Tuesday to Sunday: Passes at 11:00-12:00-13:00 / 17:00 and 18:00; besides, on Saturdays and Sundays there are passes at 16:00 and 17:00 too.

Acceso y reservas:


Destinos culturales cercanos:

Segovia (45 km). Domingo García (79 km). Sepúlveda (22 km).

Destinos naturales cercanos:

Duratón Ravines (22 km). Riofrío de Riaza Beech-wood (34 km).

Alojamientos (Web turística):
https://www.turismocastillayleon.com/ / https://www.segoviaturismo.es/

Restaurantes (Web turística):
https://www.turismocastillayleon.com/ / https://www.segoviaturismo.es/