•  Google Maps:
    43.222702, -3.452167

Tipo de sitio:

Lugar de localización: Monte Pando
Localidad: Ramales de la Victoria
Municipio: Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria)
Región: Cantabria
País: España
Página Web:

Entorno Natural:

The Valley of the River Calera, a tributary of the River Gándara, is framed by large limestone cliffs. The narrow valley is wooded along the riverside, while holm oaks grow on the rocky slopes where a large number of rock-shelters and caves can be seen

Evidencias arqueológicas del sitio:

In northern Spain, a large number of caves have similar red paintings, characterized by the technique of using dotted lines and partial or total colour-wash, with hinds as the main animal represented. These caves are found between the Basque Country (Arenaza Cave) and the middle course of the River Saja in Cantabria (Cualventi Cave). This group of sites, known as the “Ramales School”, includes Arco and Pondra caves in Ramales, El Salitre in Miera, La Pasiega in Puente Viesgo and El Pendo in Camargo. They are dated to the Gravettian and early Solutrean.

Horarios de apertura:

Open every day except January 1 and 6, and December 24, 25 and 31

Acceso y reservas: Telephone: +34 942 598 425

Destinos culturales cercanos:

Cullalvera Cave in Ramales. Palaeolithic Park at Cueva del Valle and Stonemason Museum, in Rasines. Typical Cantabrian villages in the Valleys of Soba and Ruesga. Kobenkoba, a Visitors’ Centre about European Palaeolithic art, in Lanestosa. Pozalagua Cave in Karrantza.

Destinos naturales cercanos:

Rising and valley of the River Asón (Soba). Peña Ranero and Picón del Carlista (Ramales). Santoña Salt-marsh (Santoña).

Alojamientos (Web turística):

Restaurantes (Web turística):